Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Water Fun & Goats

Today was water fun day at Jack's school. I arrived a little early to pick him up so I stayed and took some pictures. He had so much fun!

Jack & all his friends at the water table.

Pouring water in the "spin thing" as Jack informed me.

Helping his friends paint the fence.

Silly boy!

Playing with a friend in the soapy water.

His teacher, Ms. Kelli, is helping his squirt paint onto paper.

The water hose was hanging over the fence and was a popular place to hang out.
We have some friends, Chris and Holly, who live on a farm and invited us to bring Jack out to see the cows and goats. We went out tonight and it's such a neat place. It's been in the family for over 200 years and Holly said that there's a dirt road that runs through the property and there are huge trees that form a tunnel over the road. She said she's heard that when Andrew Johnson was president he would travel that road to get to the White House. There were some really cool things on the farm, and I'm sure some even cooler stories to be told.

The goats.

Jack & the John Deere. Jarred told him to "come stand by this big wheel and let Mommy take your picture." and pointed to the front wheel. He said, "No, daddy, this is a big wheel." and pointed to the back wheel.

Driving the John Deere.

Jack & Emma the goat.

Sitting in the big wheel.

This was cool old Chrysler Windsor just rusting away, waiting to be restored. It may be beyond that but it was still really cool.

Jack loves being on farms! He had fun here and he has fun on the farm in Texas!


Momo Jo said...

Looks like lots of fun.

agnieszka said...

O God!!!! Mati would love it!!!!! I dream about visit in Texas one day so Jack will be able to show Mati real John Deer in action :)