Saturday, June 28, 2008


We made it to Amarillo after a LONG Thursday travelling. We went from Nashville to Austin to Dallas, changed planes and then onto Amarillo. Jack was ready to "get out" in Austin and was not happy when we had to stay on the plane. We made it to Dallas, got a bite to eat and sat at our gate waiting to get on the plane. Jack laid on the floor and said, "Jack go sleep." I told him to wait til we got on the plane and then he could sleep. He did. He slept all the way from Dallas to Amarillo so that was nice. We had a nice afternoon at Dixie's just relaxing and then went to her parents house for a nice BBQ dinner. Friday we took it easy and then met some good friends at the park for a picnic. Today Daxtyn and Dayton (Dixie's boys) had a Tae Kwon Do belt test and moved up to the yellow belt. After that we celebrated at Cracker Barrel and then back home for some rest. So far we're having a good time, but we are having to re-adjust to the West Texas wind. You don't realize how windy it is until you move away. I have more pictures to post. I'll try to get those up later.

Proof that Jack was sleeping on the plane.

He found a tractor out at Dixie's parents and was happy for the evening.

Trying out the slip n slide.

Best Buddies. Poor Jack is going to be so bored when we get home. Good thing he will start preschool soon and make lots of friends. He is having a good time with these boys! More later... gotta go play!

1 comment:

Momo Jo said...

It looks like you are having a great time. Sure wish we were there. Tell everyone 'Howdy' for us.