On another note, most of you know Jack had a milk allergy when he was about 5 months old and he was on a soy formula. When we switched him to milk, he drank soy milk. Here lately, with different foods, his chin has broken out with red, puffy patches so we're taking him to an allergist. I'm not sure what they'll do yet, but I'm guessing the best way to figure out what's wrong is to do the allergy test. The appointment is not until after we get back from Athens, but I'm asking y'all to keep him in your prayers that he doesn't have a major food allergy. I don't really think it is, but I don't want to take any chances either, since I know food allergies can be bad.
We are really looking forward to our trip to Texas. Every night as I'm patting his back, Jack says he's going to see Wannie, Poppa, Donkeys and Cows. He's excited. I hope he does well in the car. It will be the first long drive since our trip to the beach in June. It was 8 hours, this one is 5 hours longer. I'll try to post pictures while we're gone, but I might just make the most of my time there and wait til we get home. Have a good week!
hi, Patting Back is something what you realy miss and what you really remember as a special pleasure from childhood. It is wtat my sister asked for my mom and she couldn't fall asleep without patting for really long time. And even when she was teenager and she was sad for some reason Mom's patting always helped her to overcome being blue. :) So Jami!!! You have maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany years of patting in the future! :))) And You figured out nice way to make Jack feeling secure and happy. Have a nice time in Texas! Have a nice and safe trip Y'll!!!!! a
Doesn't everyone sleep that way?
OOOOOOOOOO, I am sure not everyone... Mati doesn't and I also didn't like patting my back. The only one way which used to worked for me was stroking my right hand :)
That is so sweet. I will be praying about the allergy issue. I hate that for him...an you for that matter! Have fun on your trip!
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