I picked Jack up from from school today and we drove to Popo and Momo Jo's because I had to pick up some stuff to take to Kelly. When we pulled into the driveway I pulled out the furry crocs and said:
"Jack, look what I got for you today."
"Are dey mine?"
"Yes, do you like them?"
We put the crocs on with the tag attached and told him we'd have to see if Popo would cut off the tag. We got into the house and he proudly shows off his new crocs and tells how well they fit and asks Popo to cut off the tag.
"Dey are my new crocs. Are dey warm! Dey fit me!"
Here are Jack's new crocs:
"Jack, I got you another pair of shoes. Let me go get them out of the car and you can try them on, too!"
(panic)"No I want to wear dem. I want to wear my crocs."
"Jack, I just want you to try them on, then you can put your crocs back on."
Moma Jo begins to talk up the new shoes and when I got back in the house he had his crocs off and was ready but not happy about it. I opened the box to show him and in an attempt to get him excited about them Moma Jo exclaims,
"JACK! LOOK! They are just like Popo's shoes! Popo, come here and show Jack your shoes."
Popo says, "Jack are your new shoes like Popo's?"
(A little thinking and a realization) "DEY ARE YIKE POPO'S SHOES!" Wow, this is so cool. Jack and Popo have the same shoes. Suddenly, he doesn't want to take them off his feet.
Here are Jack's shoes that are like Popo's:
"Jack, do you want to put your crocs back on?"
"No. No I yike dem. I yike dese shoes. Dey are yike Popo's."
He takes his crocs and puts them in the box the Merrells came in, closed it up, started walking down the hall and said,
"I will take them back."
I guess the crocs have been replaced.
Tonight in the bath Jack was concentrating very hard on pouring water into his basketball net. No matter how hard he tried, it would not fill up but he never gave up. I tried to capture his concentration, but just ended up with some cute pictures. We are headed to Nashville to see Ryan, Kelly and Abbott so I have a feeling I'll have more to post about after the weekend!
1 comment:
the first picture of Jack in his Merrells looks a lot like one of you when you were little :)
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