Monday, July 28, 2008
My feet- They still hurt like crazy but I can manage to get around. I have these nice velcro shoes that fit over my bandages that I can hobble around in. It is still really difficult to shower or take a bath. The water burns the wounds on my feet. I did manage a shower yesterday with Jarred's help and it felt really good. My feet feel ok as long as I'm not on them, but I really want to get out and do things. Plus, I really want to be able to keep up with everyone when we're in the mountains. I know there are much bigger things to pray for, but add a little snippet of prayer that my feet will get better soon.
Jack- He had his 2 year check-up on Friday and all seems to be just fine. He weighs 23 pounds which puts him in the 3rd percentile. This was the same as his 18 month check-up. He is now 32 1/2 inches tall which puts him in the 11th percentile. At 18 months he was in the 5th percentile so he's moved up there. He got 2 shots and Popo and the nurse had to hold him down. I wasn't in a good position to hold him down with my feet all wrapped up.
We're getting ready for my grandparents, aunt, uncle, Kelly, Ryan and Abbott to come to Knoxville this coming week. We've rented a cabin in Townsend (the peaceful side of the Smokies) called "Life is Good" and we're going to have a great time. Despite all my foot problems, life is good and I really shouldn't be complaining. After that trip, we have about a week to get Jack ready for preschool. We've visited once recently and he really just went right in and started playing with the toys. I hope we get an opportunity to go back a few more times so he gets to know the place and maybe won't feel too bad when I just leave him there. He's already feeling a little neglected by me since I can't play with him too good right now. Don't misunderstand, he is NOT neglected by anyone else. Daddy, Popo and Momo Jo are doing a wonderful job taking care of him! I hope y'all's summers are going good, too and I look forward to hearing all about them!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Jack's Party #2
Taking a ride on his tractor. This is his first tractor that started the frenzy.
Gotta have some Rock Band time. I think we could all give Ryan a run for his money on the drums.
Kelly's concentrating hard, but she rocks!
Abbott was totally enjoying everyone playing Rock Band.
Jack's opening his new tricycle. He was really excited although to drive it, he uses his feet instead of the pedals.
It's a little big but he doesn't mind using his feet. In fact, he didn't want anyone to show him how to use the pedals.
Our friend Bailey liked the cupcakes!
Jack's new sand and water box from Grandma. They both really had fun with this toy.
Taking Bailey for a ride on the tricycle. They had been in the swimming pool, that's why they are naked.
We can't leave out George! He loved Jack's new train set!
We had another fun party and now we're looking forward to a couple of weeks rest before our trip to the Smokies. Whew, what a summer!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A few more pictures from Texas
Dixie thought she'd thrown Dacie's bow away so she's digging through the dumpster. Notice Kent is pretending she's not doing that.
Here's Dixie's family at the Cadillac Ranch.
Me & Jack (in case you couldn't tell.)
Monday, July 14, 2008
Last Days
Miguel (Emily's boyfriend) & Jack taking a walk.
Chillin' with JJ & Jaimee while watching Nemo.
Today we went to Corpus Christi to the Texas State Aquarium. It was a great aquarium and we saw otters, sea turtles, sharks, dolphins and lots of other fish and birds. Jack had fun seeing the big fish but got worn out pretty fast because, you know what... it's hot here!
Trying to figure out Jordan's iPod.
Checking out the big fish and sharks.
Nemo & Dori- possibly Jack's favorite fish.
Grandma, trying to convince Jack to touch the stingrays. He did put his hands in the water, but didn't quite touch them.
The USS Lexington. We didn't tour it, we were pooped. We're saving this tour for our Christmas trip when it's cooler!
He's not sad, just wondering why it's so dang hot.
The dolphin show, this dolphin was encouraging us to clap for him.
After we left Corpus Christi and were on our way back to Grandma's, we pass a sign that says, "Aransas Wildlife Refuge". It's on the way to Rockport so I've seen it several times and finally asked what it was. Barbara didn't know so we took a detour and drove to check it out. It's a huge wildlife area on the San Antonio Bay and it has a 16 mile driving loop with hiking trails and lookout points. You can see tons of birds, hogs, deer, and other wildlife just out in the open... except for today. We did see 3 deer, a butterfly, a bug, a squirrel and some pelicans. I guess technically we did see wildlife, just not the kind we'd hoped for. Turns out most of the bird species are there in the fall and spring so we weren't there at the best time. We'll know for next time. It is a really pretty place and will be awesome to tour it when it's not so hot.
Jordan's trying to help Jack see the birds in the distance.
Taking the trail out to the bay.
I did take a picture of the deer we saw, but I figure most of you have seen deer. If not, let me know and I'll email you the picture. We have had a great, fun time in Amarillo and Port Lavaca but we are VERY ready to go home. Jack was so, so tired today after being in the car and hot sun all day so he went to bed pretty early. When I went to lay him down I told him we were going to get on an airplane tomorrow. He said, "ok." Then I said we were going to get to see daddy and he started laughing and said, "OK!!" I think he's ready to be home. We're having another birthday celebration on Saturday so look for those pictures soon. Until then, I may take a picture break! Hope you've enjoyed our trip as much as we have!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Happy Birthday Jack!!!
Look closely, he's telling you he's 2.
Trying to blow out the candles.
What boy doesn't love green icing?
Mmmmm, cake. He took one bite and was done with cake.
He got a new tractor and was really excited for grandma to open it.
Grandpa's helping him figure it all out.
Gotta try on the Mr. Potato Head glasses.
Uncle JJ helped out with bathtime since he's not too fond of the big bathtub after I turned on the jets. Actually, Aunt Kelly (he has 2), Jordan, Jaimee and JJ helped with the bath but that picture wasn't blog appropriate due to little boy parts being visible. We all sat around the tub with our feet in the water. It was pretty relaxing.
So tired after a long day of napping and playing with toys.
He got a really cool Mater car and Jordan and Jason showed him how it works. You shake it really fast and then Mater says, "Well dad gum" and the speeds off.
Sitting with JJ waiting for Mater.
Just hanging out outside with all his new tractors!
We had a great day! The girls got money and Jack got goodies. I think we're going to try to find some shopping places tomorrow so the girls can have their day, too. We're looking forward to a few more days here and then it's back to Knoxville where we'll celebrate again! Hooray!