Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Future Model??

Yesterday I found Jack a pair of PJs at Dillard's for $4.99. Now, for $4.99 PJs, I don't care what they have on them (to a certain extent, anyway) but these happened to be Calvin Klein PJs. Oh yeah, you know Calvin Klein... Marty McFly, underwear ads. I'm pumped about $4.99 Calvin Kelin PJs. These even have the elastic waistband with Calvin Klein printed on it, just like in all the sexy underwear ads. When Jack put them on last night, I couldn't resist the model shoot. I had to know if he had the talent to be a Calvin Klein "mini model". I don't know if they have those but they should, especially after seeing these pictures.

Gotta stick your hips out.
Try it on the other side.

Show off your rock hard abs by lifting your shirt in a sexy way, and the Calvin Klein waistband.

Give us your best sexy, pouty face. I think he's nailed it.


ClintandGina said...

future model.....for sure!

Cornelius Crew said...

That's too funny!! I love the rock hard abs!

Momo Jo said...

He's got the look!